Tuesday 5 April 2011

Digital Imaging

On my journey to becoming more familiar with technology our task as OT students was to investigate the digital camera and learn how to use it effectivley. This post will include pictures taken by myself in our tutorial, general information on storing and uploading and how digital imaging relates to Occupational Therapy practice :)

Types of digital imagery technology

  • Digital cameras
  • video cameras
  • laptops
  • hand helds
  • cellphones
Humans want to capture memories and digital technology does this for us. we use digital technology in everyday occupations such as work, leisure and play. It allows us to 'go back in time' relfect and share our images with one another. we do this by using applications such as facebook, where people have the ability to view any images you put on your profile, flickr - a website created for the distribution and access of images from all over the world and of course OT practise where we can use images for mental, physical and behavioural tasks and assesments. Imagery and Video also come with software or hardware which enables the user to change, alter or enhance their personal images.

With digital cameras comes learning how to use them and all the new functions you need to become accustomed to!

"A new technology is rarely superior to an old one in every feature"
- In summary this qoute is saying that old technology is the orginal backbone for new technology. for example a timeline of the communication as Information technology: Telegraph, Telephone, Chat rooms, blogs, video, webites (blogs,faebook) cellphones.....The same basic function still remains e.g. 'that the purpose is to communicate with others in a social context.
Today the invention of digital cameras was stilled derived from the  old film technology, we want to capture memories and moments in time. What has changed is the application of tools.
Negatives and positives of digital cameras compared to old film technology:
  • complications with support systems and hardware
  • additonal hardware
  • More cost effecitve
  • different opportunies and options (settings)
  • smaller
  • easy to quicly snap an image
  • Automatic adjustment settings
  • can upload to several editiing programs
Ethical issues and digtial cameras

copyright/plagerisim (stealing of images)
consent for subject matter (does person want image to be distributed?)


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