Friday 16 September 2011


This post will be focusing on Affordances relating to the activity of making coffee.

Communication is a huge part of a coffee making process. in order to produce a cup of coffee it is essential to communicate with a customer regarding their preferences. This includes questions about the type of coffee, size, milk type, sugar, sit in or take-away. Communication is the initial step in the coffee making process or activity. Eye contact is important to promote acceptable customer service skills, although eye contact is not generally used when physically making the coffee (affecting concentration).
Relationships are built through the communication between customer, barista and other staff members. Small talk such as the weather and work is typical due to the nature of the relationship between customer and barista which is usually a new/ polite relationship. Although in the particular place of work i am referring to during my study the customers are generally regular and well known therefore communication is more open and spontaneous (joking, laughing).
The setting provides a space to communicate and socialise.
another aspect of communication in the cafe is the electronic communication we provide the customers which is texting a coffee order to us.

Connection/plot of story
Began working at 7am (when cafe opens)
Turned lights on, radio, dishwasher, grill.
Started filling the hopper with coffee while i emptied the sink (cloths were soaked in Janola)
Washed out the 3 groupers which had cleaning shampoo in them overnight. Groupers were put through the machine twice each ensuring quality coffee taste
First customer comes in, who i know personally from his regular attendance at the cafe. We made general chit-chat and i made his coffee without needing to ask what he wanted....yes he is that regular!
The next four customers were all regulars so i knew what kind of coffee they had also. The cafe cellphone went off with a coffee order request.
The food then came in with my fellow employee, so we unloaded it and stocked up the cakes. This was done while serving the customers and making coffee (also money exchange).
The next couple of hours were quite repetitive with making coffee, food.
In between tasks i washed dishes, dried them and put them away. also cleaned benches, tables.
12:30 pm finish! :)

Moral properties
Degree of effort in design
Supplying a good tasting coffee
Satisfaction of worth

Getting the order wrong
Spilling product
Not applying effort
Being negative towards customers

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